Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bloggers are Forever

Okay so i'm going to be honest with all of you. I have no idea what to write. I got a blog thinking... maybe i'll write some sort of inspiring thing, I've been sitting here for an hour just pondering what to write about and quite frankly my list was to write about Bob the Builder or about my cute family. Since Bob the Builder is sort of boring I'll write about my family.
 Okay well lets start at the beginning with siblings:
Sam- is 21 and is serving in the Philippines on a mission. He's a great brother I think I'll keep him.
Julia- 19 and is currently freezing her butt off right now in Idaho. You see people like her think that can just move from a sunny environment like Florida and just pack there bags for school in Idaho. Well Julia there is a name for people like you...
Caroline- Thats me, I'm basically my families very own Mary Poppins " Perfectly perfect in every way."
Victoria- She's the tallest 14 year old you will ever lay your eyes on. She plays volleyball  and she's and artist.
Charlotte-  She's 7 going on 17. I swear she got her smarts from me, but hey my mom and dad insist it's from them.
Scarlett- She's 6 and is probably the kindest girl you will ever meet. She genuinely cares about everything... EVERYTHING. One time she one a trophy for being an amazing runner, and her sister Charlotte didn't get one. Well instead of gloating Scarlett didn't say anything and was about to cry for Charlotte. Told you she was sweet.
Peter- He completes the family. He is our little one year old that is crazy about driving us crazy. He will run up the stairs and then throw books off of the books shelf, but he is the happiest blue eyed, blonde haired boy you will ever meet. I'll keep him too.

I guess that leaves my mom and dad. Well they are pretty awesome for parents..Even thought they are totally infatuated with each other. They do things that most parents don't these days, they actually want to know what i'm doing. I know it's crazy, but i guess that makes them crazy...  and I would have to agree.


  1. I knew you would be.
    I had to find a new obsession, but i can't get the hang of it. SHOW me your ways.

  2. p.s. your stalking abiliteis blow my mind.

  3. p.s. i would've loved to hear what you'd have to say about bob the builder....

  4. so since you "deleted" your facebook again...haha. does this mean you'll be doing blog posts??? because i would love that.
